In most facilities, real-time condition monitoring and protection of critical rotating equipment, is standard practice. However, monitoring of second-tier equipment has traditionally been deemed cost-prohibitive or too difficult. While these unmonitored assets may not have been originally classified as “critical”, a sudden failure of this equipment can still cause serious process disturbances, shutdowns, slowdowns or further damage to equipment.
iQunet’s battery-powered wireless technology makes it possible to justify on-line monitoring of essential assets as part of an overall site reliability initiative.
Reliable wireless sensors combined with pre-engineered monitoring solutions can automatically diagnose and alert operators and maintenance technicians at the onset of a developing condition. This is industry 4.0 condition monitoring at its best.
With iQunet solutions, remote automated condition monitoring is easily implemented. Our wireless battery-powered products improve plant productivity, reliability and safety which is indispensable in the Smart Factory of the future.